PA 2023 - A Message From The Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

Thank you for your continued support in building up the parish community. The side effects of Covid-19 haven’t left us. We are on the path of recovery, and I can say that we are going strong. I would like to thank all the donors of 2022 Project Advance, for with your help we were able to replace the church flooring. 

The Archdiocese of Vancouver focuses this year on empowering parishes. They hope that their effort to strengthen parishes with necessary resources will help to carry out effectively the task of evangelization and service to the community.

We are on the threshold of celebrating 75 years as a parish. This year, our goal is two-fold: 

  1. Evangelization through Alpha program
  2. Enhance and upgrade our sound system and WI-FI hearing assist. 

Since many in the parish find it hard to hear clearly, the above technology will supplement the existing system. For the year 2024, we will focus on landscaping and the beautification of Church premises.

I appeal to all our parishioners to please participate and consider donating to Project Advance 2023. Your participation in Project advance is our involvement in the archdiocesan projects. Also, whatever we raise above $21,600 – our parish diocesan goal, will contribute towards our parish projects.

Donations can be made online, by cheque, or by cash.

I would like to thank our Parish Project Advance Coordinator, Birgit Baia, for the work she’s doing to meet our parish goal and have our projects materialize.

Please remember to participate. Every gift, big or small, will certainly make a difference. “Be generous when you worship the Lord, and do not stint the first fruits of your hands. With every gift show a cheerful face and dedicate your tithe with gladness. Give to the Most High as he has given to you, and generously as you can afford.” (Sirach 35: 7–10)

Thank you!

Prayers and blessings,

Rev. John Alex Pinto, OCD
