August 14:
Arrival of Fr. Rudolf V. D’Souza OCD as administrator of the Parish at 1.30 pm at YVR airport. Fr. Jerald D’Souza welcomes Fr. Rudy to the Rectory at 4 pm.

August 15 & 16:
Fr. Jerald D’Souza introduces Fr. Rudolf to the parishioners during all the masses and gives a short profile of his life. A meeting of all the parishioners was arranged at the basement of the Rectory and a short felicitation program was organized.

October 2:
The 60th Anniversary of the Church celebrated. Archbishop Michael Miller CSB was the main celebrant along with Msgr. Jensen and Msgr. Mark Hagemoen and Fr. Jerald D’Souza.

November 15:
First Meeting of the Renovation of the Church Sanctuary is held and a team of 10 members headed by Mr. Charles Atkinson and Arie Smiths gathers for deliberations at the Rectory Basement hall with the presence of Fr. Rudolf.

December 15:
The meeting of the Renovation Committee decides to shift the Tabernacle to the Centre of the Church. Meetings are held every month on how to renovate the altar and other important matters of beautification of the Church. The discussion to have a huge Crucifix to be installed in the centre was proposed and the members were keen on getting a Crucifix either from the USA or from India, whichever financially is viable.